Original development based on certain components of the KF-10 product. KF-10 is specially designed for treating olive trees at all stages of fruit development, and integration with growth regulators and oils applied via foliar spraying to weaken the olive fruit fly’s ability to penetrate the fruit before harvesting.
KF-OLIVE has been successfully tested and tried in the sting-weakening interface before the olive harvest using the trunk-shaking method. It was found that when the mineral fertilizer was replaced with the KF-OLIVE preparation in the ingredients mixture, leaf shedding at harvest decreased significantly, with no increase in the rate of fruit left on the trees.
The product is also suitable for application to the roots through the irrigation system and/or fertigation. Use of the product immediately after harvesting and in the early stages of olive fruit development will enhance the tree’s vitality, increase yield, and reduce alternate bearing.
KF-OLIVE is non-toxic, non-caustic, and does not form sediment. The product comes as a soluble liquid and is easy to use.
General guidelines for use
Method of application in agriculture:
1 Dose for fertigation through drip irrigation system: 1-2 liter per 1000 sq/m through a drip irrigation system.
2 Dose for fertigation through percolation: 50 cc per 10 liters of water for mature trees.
20 cc per 5 liters of water per sapling.
100 cc per 20 liters of water for transplanting mature trees.
3 Foliar spraying: 0.8%-0.12% of spray volume (selecting a volume for full landscape coverage)
In cases of combining the substance with other substances:
Sprayer cleaning: after spraying, the sprayer tank should be emptied of residues according to the rinse disposal instructions. Then rinse the sprayer and all its parts with water and detergent. Rinses should be removed according to the rinse disposal instructions.
Rinse disposal: do not empty or rinse preparations or residues from a sprayer, collection tank, or any other equipment onto the ground, into fish ponds, or into water sources of any kind. Rinses should be removed using methods approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, such as: spraying in agricultural areas, reuse, purification, evaporation, and disposal at the toxic waste site at Ramat Hovav.
The preparation should be stored in a closed, locked, cool facility.
In case of an uncontrolled leak: wash the area thoroughly.
KF-OLIVE for gardening:
Fertilizer pump (hydraulic/electric)
0.2-1% for average-sized gardens and balconies: mix 350-550 ml in the fertilizer container and fill the rest with water. The dosage refers to a 25-liter fertilizer container, emptied once a month
Fertigation for monthly application:
Add 20 ml per liter of water and mix well, then fertigate approximately 150-250 ml to each plant.
Fertigation for a sapling/young shrub:
Add 20 ml to 3-5 liters of water once a month
Fertigation for a mature tree/shrub:
Add 50 ml to 10-20 liters of water once a month
Fertigation for a transplanted tree:
Add 100 ml to 10-20 liters of water
Fertigation for an 80 cm planter:
Add 10-15 ml to 2.5 liters of water once a month.
Fertigation for 100 cm planter:
Add 20-30 ml to 3.5 liters of water once a month.
Fertigation for 30/30 flowerpot:
Add 20 ml to 1 liter of water once a month.
Fertigation for 60/60 flowerpot:
Add 20-40 ml to 3 liters of water once a month
Fertigation for 80/80 flowerpot:
Add 40-50 ml to 5 liters of water once a month
Fertigation for greenhouse ornamental plants:
Add 1-2 liters per 1000 sq/m once a month.
For home sprayer use:
Mix 10-20 ml per liter of water and spray until runoff.